Thursday, May 14, 2009

Modeling a multiple choice question

Sometimes the fact that a problem can be solved in many ways isn’t a good thing as it forces you to weigh your options when only one approach encapsulates current best practices. One such case is how to model a multiple choice question. You have a need to allow the user to select from a list of items. Your example if “safety equipment” but it could really be anything. In your question, you pose two possible approaches and are asking which is the preferred implementation:

  1. A separate Boolean fields for each possible choice, or
  2. A Selection CDT and an attribute that is a Set of that CDT

While you could make both approaches work, there are significant advantages to using a Selection CDT that is populated with data representing all possible choices rather than separate Boolean fields.

I’ll use an example to demonstrate. Suppose you want to have the researcher specify which types of safety equipment will be used and the types to choose from are gloves, lab coats, and eyeglasses (I’ll intentionally keep the list short for this example but it would obviously be longer in real life)*

In option 1, you would define the following Boolean properties:

  • gloves
  • labCoat
  • eyeglasses

You could either define them directly on the Project, or, more likely, create a Data Entry CDT called “ProtectiveEquipment” and define the attributes there. Then you would define an attribute on Protocol named “protectiveEquipment” which is an entity reference to the ProtectiveEquipment CDT.  Once the data model is defined, you can add the fields for each property to your view.

It’s pretty straightforward, but not the path I would recommend. The reason I say this is that by modeling in this way, you would embed the list of choices directly into the data model which means that if the choice list changes, you would have to update the data model and anything dependant upon it. Embedding data into the data model itself should really be avoided if at all possible.

The same functional requirements could be met by option 2. With this approach, you would define a Selection CDT named “ProtectiveEquipment” and add custom attributes to it that may look something like this:

  • name (String) – this will hold the descriptive name of the specific piece of safety equipment. Recall, that you automatically get an attribute named “ID” which could be used to hold a short unique name (or just keep the system assigned ID)
  • You could add other attributes if there was more information you wanted to associate with the type of equipment, such as cost, weight, etc.

Then, on the Data Tab in the Custom Data type editor for the ProtectiveEquipment CDT, you can add all the possible types of equipment. There will be one entity for each type meaning, for this example, one each for gloves, lab coat, and eyeglasses.

The last step in completing the data model would be to then add an attribute to your protocol named “protectiveEquipment”. This attribute would be a Set of ProtectiveEquipment so it can hold multiple selections.

Next you can add the protectiveEquipment attribute to your Project view. In doing this, you have a couple of options for how the control is presented to the user. You can specify you want it to display as a Check Box list, in which case the user would see a list of checkbox items, one per ProtectiveEquipment entity, or you could use a chooser, in which case the user would be presented with an “Add” button and they could select the equipment from a popup chooser. If the number of choices is small (less than 10, for example) the checkbox approach works well. If the number of different protectiveEquipment types can get large, you’re better off going the way of the chooser. Both visual representations accomplish the same thing in the end but the user experience differs.

So why is option 2 better?

The list of choices can be altered without having to modify the type definition. You have the option of versioning the list of entities in source control so that they are delivered as part of a patch to your production system or only versioning the type definition and allowing the list to be administered directly on production.

  1. Views will not have to change as the list of choices change
  2. Code does not have to change as the list of choices change. Your code avoids the need to reference properties that (in my opinion) are really data rather than “schema”. This is critical because if the list of choices change, you won’t have code that has to change as well. Instead your code will simply reference the custom attributes
  3. You have the ability to manage additional information for each choice which you may or may not need now, but is easy to add because you’re starting with the right data model.

(Note: These reasons are also why I would recommend against defining properties of type “list”)

I hope this explanation is clear. If not, please let me know.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you had the additional requirement that the user must not only say they will use eyeglasses but also have to specify how many they will use. This is easily accomplished but changes the recommended approach a bit. To support that requirement, you would set up the following data model.

ProtectiveEquipment (Selection CDT)

  • Name (string)

ProtectiveEquipmentUsedOnProtocol (Data Entry CDT)

  • EquipmentType (Entity of ProtectiveEquipment)
  • Count (integer)


  • protectiveEquipmentUsed (set of ProtectiveEquipmentUsedOnProtocol)

You would then add the Protocol attribute protectiveEquipmentUsed to your view. When rendered the user will be presented with a control that includes an Add button. When the user clicks that button, a popup window will be displayed that prompts the user for the equipment type (which can either be a drop down list, radio button list, or chooser field) and count. You can define a view for the ProtectiveEquipmentUsedOnProtocol to make the form look nice since the default system generated form is kind of bland.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you’d like me to clarify anything.


* Thanks to The Ohio State University for the example

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