Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tech Tip: Changing the data type of a custom attribute

When updating your object model, many of the changes are simple such as adding new attributes to existing types, adding new types, and changing display names of attributes. These kinds of changes can be done directly via the normal check-out, make the change, check-in approach. The Type System in Click Portal will gracefully accommodate the change. Not all types of change are that easy though. The one that I wan to spend time on in this post surfaced in two separate instances this week. It is when you wish to change the data type of an attribute.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weighing the costs of implementing Hide/Show

As the saying goes, nothing is free. This can’t be more true of the choice to implement dynamic Hide/Show functionality within your SmartForm. When deciding if your requirements demand the ability to dynamically hide and show information within a single SmartForm step, it’s important to take into consideration the implications of doing so.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A nifty tool to record steps to reproduce a problem

Today’s post is credited to Levi Hawes from our Customer Support team for bringing this to our attention. It was so cool, I just had to share.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Creating new Content Pages via a Configuration Update

It’s been a while since my last post and I apologize for the lengthy absence. It’s not that there hasn’t been anything to say – far from it. It’s just that those quiet moments where random thoughts are massaged into something coherent have been hard to come by lately. That being said, it’s time to jump back into the fray.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Click Happenings

On any given day, I’m involved in a broad array of activities and projects here in the Beaverton office. This allows me a perspective that I wouldn’t otherwise get if focused on a single project. This horizontal awareness allows me to see trends and patterns and I thought I’d share some of them with you today. I encourage you to participate in the discussion by either commenting on this post, or posting to the forums at

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Epic Battle: Simplicity Versus Complexity

I’ve seen this too many times to not consider it a common theme in every project. I’m sure I’m not going out on a limb when I say that everyone starts their project with the goal of simplifying their current process, but with all that can be accomplished with the Extranet framework and starter solutions, the temptation to add additional complexity is often tough to resist. I submit the following for your consideration:

Complexity is evil and should only be allowed into your project when absolutely necessary

Strong statement, I know, but I find that we don’t ask the question “Is there a simpler way?” often enough. I’ve been wondering lately why this is the case and have formed a theory:

Simple is boring and we don’t like being bored

Now, before you disagree with me, let me explain.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Dark Side of the Moon feeling

This morning I had a moment to reflect on how differently I’m able to interact with my two sons, one 15 and the other 13. My oldest son has reached a point in his life where he enjoys conversation. No subject is out of bounds and I think I get as much or more out of the discussions as he does. This is in stark contrast to what my younger son is able to provide at the moment. With him it’s the typical parent-child dialog where the parent has to play 20 questions just to get anything out of the child and there are more moments of silence than moments of verbal exchange. I’m not complaining, I realize this is typical and I had the same experience with my older son when he was that age. I’ve come to consider that age as a “Dark Side of the Moon” period. But it is very frustrating.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Click Documentation Tools 1.0

It’s long been a desire of mine to be able to automatically generate Object Model documentation for an Extranet-based store so I’m very happy to announce Version 1.0 of Click Documentation Tools!