Friday, February 27, 2009

Unofficial Script Editor Upgrade

It was fun presenting a few of the new things we're working on in Professional Services at C3DF. One of the things I briefly teased was an update to the web-based script editor. This update adds syntax highlighting and automated indentation for Javascript scripts.

I explained that this was my own personal experiment and not officially supported as a part of the base Extranet product. I went on to explain that it has several minor cosmetic issues with navigation and text selection and with all of these caveats, I was surprised at the number of people who came up to me after my presentation to ask for it. I also learned that some of you were already using it. ;-)

So, since the cat's out of the bag, and in fairness to the rest of you, I'm making it available for you to play with.

By downloading this, I only ask you remember that this is neither in the standard product nor is it supported through normal support. This is strictly some experimental code from Professional Services, specifically myself, and it comes without guarantees. Sorry to be so pedantic about this, but I'd love to be able to continue sharing our "experiments" and would be forced to stop this practice if it adversely impacts our ability to support official product. If you choose to give it a try and notice problems, I'd like to hear about them, but can't promise I'll be able to respond in a timely manner. I'm confident that all the issues are cosmetic but if they are a major concern to you, I'll recommend that you simply revert back to the standard editor.

OK, enough of that - If, after reading all of those disclaimers, you are still interested in seeing syntax highlighting and automated indentation in your web-based script editor, you can download the sample files. The download includes the installation instructions.

- Tom

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