I've received a few requests to provide information on how things are going with the development of Extranet 5.6 and beyond. In terms of information about product development, there are a lot of details on Clickcommerce.com being posted by the respective development teams. The role I have now is quite different than the VP of Engineering position I held when I left Click a couple of years ago. I'm no longer running the Engineering team so would prefer to leave the responsibility of communicating development status to DJ Breslin and Andy James which they do in a variety of useful ways, including posting information to the web site.
I'm sure you've run across their sections of the site, but in case it's been a while since you've visited, here are some handy links.
There was also a wealth of information presented at the most recent C3DF about the new features in Extranet 5.6 and the Extranet roadmap. You can find all the C3DF presentations here:
I can tell you that we in the Services team are all excited about this new release. It contains a lot of goodies that will make life easier.
As long as you're on the site, check out the other areas such as the Knowledgebase or your own Project Area in the Customer Extranet. You might be surprised to find how much information is out there. If you can't find what you're looking for, just let us know. Odds are it's there someplace and we'll help guide you to it.
I'll continue blogging about the work I'm currently involved in as Services Manager within the Professional Services team. I'll also occasionally sprinkle in posts on life at Click from my perspective just for fun.
Keep the suggestions coming. I like the feedback.
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