Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Editing "read only" workflow scripts

Another developer on your team walks over to you and says "A script looks different than what is in source control and it's not checked out! Did you change it?" You, of course, answer "No", then the two of you begin to puzzle over how this could happen.

Does this sound familiar? Well, it happened here this week so I thought I'd share one way this could happen.

When your development store is Source Control Enabled and you are using Process Studio to check-out and check-in workflow configuration elements, the normal reason the store is different from what's in source control is that the item is checked out and a developer is actively working on it. For workflow scripts, however, there is another reason that is easily overlooked. The Workflow Script Editor allows for the ability for you to temporarily alter the script in your store even when it is not checked out.

You can see this for yourself.
  1. Locate a workflow script you want to change
  2. Make sure it isn't checked out
  3. Display it in the editor and notice that the script is dimmed so as to appear read-only
  4. Make changes anyway (say what?!?) - The editor only appears to be read only. It's actually editable!
  5. Click OK or Apply to save your changes. At this point you will be presented with a confirmation dialog that says the script is not checked and asks if you want to save anyway.
  6. By clicking OK, the changes are actually saved in the store but not in source control.
  7. From process Studio you can perform a Get latest on the workflow element associated with the script and notice that the script has been restored to it's former glory.
Is this a bug or a feature? I'm sure proponents on both sides of that debate can be found. It's actually a feature in the base Extranet product and it mirrors similar capabilities in Entity Manager. It's often useful to temporarily add debugging statements such as wom.log() to scripts as you are tracking down workflow configuration issues. Providing the ability to locally override the script, eases this process greatly as it avoids the need to first checkout broad swaths of workflow in order to isolate where the problem really is. Once the problem is found, the effort to fix the problem begins by first checking out the workflow element in question. For all the other areas that were temporarily changed, they can all be restored back to the official version by a simple get latest.

Interestingly enough, knowledge of this feature has almost faded from consciousness. Several developers here didn't even know it existed. This only means that they are following the rules of source control and always checking things out before editing them thus had no cause to discover the existence of this feature.

So, now you know. If a developer asks you why the script is different from what's in source, you'll have a good answer for them and, even better, you can "fix" it by usng Process Studio to get latest from source control. This is yet another opportunity to show how knowledgeable you are :-)


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