Last time I introduced the notion of the recommended Software development Lifecycle (SDLC). Now it’s time to get a bit more specific. As mentioned last time, the best way to support a disciplined development process is to make use of three distinct environments: Development, Staging, and Production. Each environment can either be made up of a single or multiple servers. While there is no requirement that each environment be like the others, it is recommended that your staging environment match production as closely as possible so that experience gained from testing your site on staging will reflect the experience your users will have on the production system. It’s also useful because this will best enable you to use your staging server(s) as a warm-spare in case of catastrophic failure of the production site. | Further Reading…. FAQ: Everything You Wanted to Know about Source Control Integration But Were Afraid to Ask |
To go into everything you can do when configuring and implementing your workflow processes would take more time than I have here and there are several good articles and online reference guides available in the knowledgebase. We also offer both introductory and advanced training courses. Instead I’ll focus on how to manage the development process.
A key principle of the SDLC is that development only takes place in the development environment and not on staging or production. The work you do in the development environment gets moved to staging so it can be tested through a configuration update. A configuration update is a zip file that includes the full set of changes made during development that need to be tested then deployed to production. In order to accurately identify the changes that should be built into the configuration update, each individual change is versioned in a repository using Microsoft Visual Source Safe.
Making a change or enhancement to workflow configuration begins by checking out the elements from the configuration repository using a tool called Process Studio. Once checked out, development takes place using the web based tools, Entity Manager, or Site Designer. Before you should consider the change complete, the changes are tested locally on the development server. If everything works as expected, the changes are checked back into source control using Process Studio. This process repeats itself for all changes.
When the development of all intended fixes/enhancements is complete, it’s time to put them to the test. While developers are expected to test their changes in the development environment before they are checked into source control, official testing should never be done on development. The reason for this is that the development environment is not a good approximation for production. Developers, in the course of their work, make changes to data and environment that make it hard to be able to use the test results as a predictor of how the changes will work on production. Instead, a configuration update is created using Process Studio so it can be applied to staging for official testing. Before applying the update to Staging, it’s a good idea to refresh the staging environment from the most recent production backup. This gives you the best chance of understanding how the changes will behave on production.
If issues are discovered during testing on staging, the process is reset.
- The issues are fixed in development (check-out, fix, check-in),
- A new configuration update is built,
- Staging is restored from a production backup,
- The configuration update is applied to staging
- The changes are tested
If all the tests pass, the exact same configuration update that was last applied to staging is then applied to production. Though not required, it’s a good idea at this point to refresh your development environment with a new backup of production. The closer the development environment is to the real thing, the fewer issues you’ll have going forward.
At this point, development can begin on the next set of features, fixes, and enhancements. And the cycle repeats…
To learn more about the role of source control in your development lifecycle, please read the following article:
FAQ: Everything You Wanted to Know about Source Control Integration But Were Afraid to Ask
That article does an excellent job describing all core principles and processes. Of course, not everything goes as planned as you apply updates to your staging and production sites. Next time, I’ll discuss some common challenges and how to troubleshoot when issues do arise.
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