Sunday, November 8, 2009

Extranet-Centric Single-Sign-On

You’re ready to expand your use of Click Commerce into multiple modules (or perhaps you already have) and have elected to separate them into more than one physical server. That’s great! there are a lot of good reasons to do so. Perhaps you have different development teams for the different solutions who work on different release schedules, or you want to align the different servers across organizational lines (Human Research, Animal Research, and Grants, for example), or you’re simply taking a pragmatic approach to managing your continued expansion. Whatever the reason, the approach is becoming increasingly common; especially as the number of deployed Click Commerce modules increases.

Now that you have made that choice, you now need to address all of the little integration issues. One such issue is how to streamline authentication such that a user doesn’t have to login to each server. For those of you who have implemented a Single-Sign-On (SSO) solution such as Shibboleth or CA SiteMinder, this issue is already handled. But what if you don’t have an Institution-wide SSO implementation? Whether you take advantage of Delegated Authentication to an external credential source such as Active Directory or LDAP or are using Click Commerce Extranet’s built-in authentication engine, your users will typically have to login to each site.

I recently completed some work for a customer to eliminate this hassle by allowing one Extranet-based site to be used as the SSO authentication source for any other Extranet-based site. The implementation is simple enough to apply to other sites such as your own that I thought I'd share it with you. As this implementation deals with security related subject matter, I’m going to ask you to continue reading about this new capability on Sorry for the inconvenience, but better to keep secret stuff just between us. As an added bonus, I’ve packaged the entire implementation into a download that you can use for your own sites. In the download you will find an explanation of the implementation, requirements, and installation instructions.

As always, I’d love to hear how this works out for you.


Implementing a Hybrid CDT - UPDATE

This is a follow-up to my earlier post on implementing Hybrid CDTs.  If you haven’t yet, I encourage you to read that post first or very little of this will make sense.

I’ve been pleased to hear from those of you who have taken this approach and identified areas within your own configuration where it provides value. Some of you have asked about what happens when an entity is deleted and I thought I’d follow up with some additional detail as I didn’t directly address that case in the original post.

The deletion case is relatively simple to address but does require another trip to Entity Manager.  Every eType has a built-in method called @unregister and Custom Data Types are no exception. This method is called whenever an entity is being deleted from the site. For the deletion to have real-time effect across all the references to the associated Selection CDT entity, you will also need to delete the corresponding Selection CDT entity. This is done by implementing logic into the @unregister method of the Data Entry CDT type which also unregisters the associated Selection CDT entity.

In the example described in the original post, you would implement an @unregister method on the MyChildDE type that looks like the following:

function unregister()
try {
// the supertype @unregister is called by default by the framework

// If the data entry entity (this) is unregistered, then also unregister the
// referenced Selection CDT
var child = this.getQualifiedAttribute("customAttributes.child");
if (child != null) {
// This is the complete solution, but actually unregistering the selection CDT entity at this
// time might have an adverse performance impact. If that is the case, it might be better to simply
// remove the entity from all sets.

// If, in your data model, MyChildSE entities are only referenced as members of sets, you can
// improve performance by limiting the work done at this time to the removal if the
// child entity from all sets and defer the remaining deletion until the next time Garbage Collect is
// run.
// removeFromAllSets(child);

// Even more performant would be to explicitly remove all known uses of the child entity but this
// approach requires ongoing maintenance as it needs to stay in synch with wherever the Selection
// CDT can be used.
catch (e) {
wom.log("EXCEPTION _MyChildDE.unregister: " + e.description);

With this extra bit of code, the effect of a user deleting the data entry entity is immediately obvious in that any reference to the associated selection entity is also removed.
